Sunday, December 13, 2009

Google Maps recognizes Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association as a Favorite Place on Google

Congratulations! You hae made Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association a Favorite Place on Google. Between July 1 and September 30, Google users found Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association listed 5547 times, and requested driving directions or other information about our association 216 times.

Because we are so popular, Google provided a decal that shows citizens we are a Favorite Place on Google. The sticker includes a special bar code that citizens may scan with cameras on their phones. Then they can see Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association listings on Google, read and write reviews, and be added as a favorite right there. Our office is located in the Executive Towers Condominiums at 207 W. Clarendon Avenue, Phoenix, AZ 85013. Stop by and visit the facility and ask the office manager, Cindy Lee or one of the front desk attendants if you can capture the special bar code from the sticker. We have placed it on the condo resident bulletin board in the mail room adjacent to the lobby.

Send us an email at
if you have problems.

We look forward to providing you with more and better ways to grow the Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association.

Alton J. Jones
Phoenix Central Neighborhood Association