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The city of Phoenix is the first municipality in the nation to launch a free Droid application that will allow residents with Droid phones to point, click and send photos of graffiti, over-height weeds, abandoned shopping carts and other blight violations to the city's Neighborhood Services Department.
Droid phone users may download the application for free from the Droid Market by searching for the keyword "myphoenix" and then clicking on My Phoenix. Once installed, users will simply open the application and follow the prompts to take a picture of the violation and then tap “submit.” Using built-in global positioning system technology, the application will attach a location to the picture and send the complaint to the Neighborhood Services Department. Residents also can choose an option to receive updates on the status of their request.
The My Phoenix Droid app follows the June launch of an iPhone app, which was enthusiastically received by residents and neighborhood groups, resulting in more than 400 downloads to date. Phoenix has received calls and e-mails from other government agencies around the nation interested in developing their own applications. “These applications allow us to provide Phoenix residents with convenient mobile options for reporting blight violations in the community to supplement our existing intake options.” said Chris Hallett Neighborhood Services Department Acting Director.
Phoenix residents may also continue to report blight to Neighborhood Services by e-mail at and by phone at 602-262-7844.
The Droid and iPhone applications were created at no cost to the city by Graffiti Protective Coatings, a graffiti cleanup company that serves government agencies in Arizona.
Neighborhood Services offers a wide range of programs to assist residents, including a graffiti removal program, a free tool-lending program, and classes and events designed to support neighborhood improvements. For more information, residents may visit or call 602-534-4444, which is dedicated to answering residents’ questions about how to get involved.Source: City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department
Eric Timberman, the United States Marshal for the District of Puerto Rico, would like to announce that Janeth Valenzuela, wanted by the United States Marshals Service for Identity Theft and by the Phoenix, Arizona Police Department for Parental Abduction, was arrested by the U.S. Marshals led Puerto Rico Fugitive Task Force today.
Source: U.S. Marshals
iPhone Application
In June, the city of Phoenix launched a free iPhone app that allows residents to report blight violations to the Neighborhood Services Department (NSD) with a simple point, click and send. The iPhone’s built-in global positioning technology allows the user to attach an address to the picture.
iPhone users may download the myPhxAZ application for free from the iPhone App Store by searching for the keyword “myPhoenix” and selecting myPhxAz. Once installed, users will simply open the application and follow the prompts to take a picture of the violation and then tap “submit.”
The “myPhxAz” application was created at no charge to the city by Graffiti Protective Coatings, a graffiti cleanup company that serves Arizona city, county and state agencies.
NSD is receiving an average of 20 iPhone blight reports each week. In the future it hopes to roll out similar applications for residents who use Blackberries and other popular hand-held devices.
Phoenix has received calls and e-mails from other government agencies around the nation who are interested in developing their own iPhone app, ranging from Valley cities to counties and cities in Florida, Texas and California.
Phoenix residents without iPhones can continue to report blight by e-mail at and by phone at 602-262-7844.
Source: City of Phoenix Neighborhood Services Department
Sheriff Joe Arpaio moments ago made the renowned actor and body builder, Lou Ferrigno AKA The Incredible Hulk, an honorary deputy in the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.
Ferrigno, a big supporter of Arpaio and of SB1070, agreed to take on his first assignment as deputy and will act as Sheriff Arpaio’s personal body guard during tomorrow night’s Stand Up Arizona rally at the Tempt Diablo Stadium.
Arpaio is slated to be the rally’s keynote speaker and is poised to take the stage at 8:45PM, shortly after his 8PM scheduled arrival time.
With upwards of 20 to 30 thousand open borders activists in town this weekend for a rally of their own, Arpaio is grateful for all the protection he can get tomorrow.
“He’s one big guy,” Arpaio says. “And I hear you don’t want to make him angry….”
Source: Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office
The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office is confused and deeply concerned about the temporary county attorney’s recent decision to reverse the successful policies of the former elected county attorney.
Rick Romley’s statements today indicate the fact that he will no longer charge illegal immigrants under the felony state law as co-conspirators.
This approach is essentially an amnesty policy that protects illegal immigrants who have conspired to violate the state law by entering into agreements with smugglers to transport them into Arizona illegally.
The Sheriff’s Office feels this position is not consistent with the will of the people of Maricopa County who elected Sheriff Arpaio and former County Attorney Andrew Thomas in part because of their tough stance on illegal immigration enforcement and is inconsistent with Romley’s claim of getting tough on organized crime.
Despite Rick Romley’s decision to pick and choose which laws to enforce, the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office will continue to enforce all aspects of illegal immigration laws.
Source: Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
The U.S. Marshals Service added Enrique Done to their 15 Most Wanted Fugitives list today. Done is wanted by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency in Newark, N.J., and has been charged for his alleged role as the leader of an international drug trafficking conspiracy.
Source: U.S. Marshals
City employees, retirees and members of the community who are interested in donating their time and talent to the city will find a rewarding volunteer opportunity in COPS – Citizens Offering Police Support.
Last fiscal year, 210 Phoenix residents served as COPS volunteers, saving the city almost $620,000. The Police Department hopes to double the budget savings with a corresponding increase in volunteers, according to Officer Larry Horton, who coordinates the program.
COPS volunteers work in many capacities, including code enforcement, traffic control, crime analysis and research, and public affairs. They also support such programs as Silent Witness, the Motorist Assist Program (MAP) and Accessibility Compliance Enforcement (ACE).
While most people have heard of Silent Witness, MAP and ACE also provide vital services to the community. MAP volunteers help motorists who are experiencing vehicular problems on city streets, while ACE volunteers issue citations to motorists who park in spots reserved for drivers with disabilities.
Prospective volunteers must be at least 18, undergo a background check, take a polygraph and be interviewed.
For more information about COPS, call Larry Horton at 602-262-7218 or visit
Source: City of Phoenix