Last fiscal year, 210 Phoenix residents served as COPS volunteers, saving the city almost $620,000. The Police Department hopes to double the budget savings with a corresponding increase in volunteers, according to Officer Larry Horton, who coordinates the program.
COPS volunteers work in many capacities, including code enforcement, traffic control, crime analysis and research, and public affairs. They also support such programs as Silent Witness, the Motorist Assist Program (MAP) and Accessibility Compliance Enforcement (ACE).
While most people have heard of Silent Witness, MAP and ACE also provide vital services to the community. MAP volunteers help motorists who are experiencing vehicular problems on city streets, while ACE volunteers issue citations to motorists who park in spots reserved for drivers with disabilities.
Prospective volunteers must be at least 18, undergo a background check, take a polygraph and be interviewed.
For more information about COPS, call Larry Horton at 602-262-7218 or visit http://www.phoenix.gov.
Source: City of Phoenix
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